søndag 12. april 2009

Thou shalt not be vain.

Life has this annoying tendency of teaching us all these lessons meant to "build our character" and help us grow as individuals. Bleh!
I know I know.."bleh" is not the most mature response, its just that when those lessons actually occur it kind of sucks.
I wish I knew the timetable for these character building happenings so I could be prepared, but I guess that would be kind of pointless.

Like today for example, I was all exited for church it being fast Sunday and all. I had planned this nice outfit that I wanted to try out. (I had just got this really cool dress that I had ordered online and I had decided that today it would make its debut!) And to make things even better I had gotten the message that I was not teaching Sunday school this Sunday as it was time for another lesson. Yay, life could not be better; a relaxed Sunday with no preparation on my part in a new nice outfit.

Apperantly this was too much too ask and the Man upstairs decided to teach me a lesson. I get a phonecall from my good friend Marianne from church at about 10:45. She is waiting outside my house in her car as planned because she was going to pick me up. Church starts at 11:00. At this point I am still in my bed. My alarm did not go off and because I have been spending all my nights blogging and chatting I had gone to bed way too late (so worth it by the way)
Total panic, I had to get ready in less than 10 minutes.
I have no time to shower or even do my hair. The only outfit that is avaliable to me is a frumpy black skirt that I used on my mission and a purple collared shirt also from mission days. I can not recall laying that outfit out as I would never in my right mind wear something like that now.
I manage to dig up some pear earrings so at least there will be some glamour added to this frumpy outdated outfit.
I brush my teeth faster than the speed of light and rush out the door. Mariannes first response is "Wow, you look like a sister missionary". To complete the look my "purse" for the day is a burgundy scripture case from my MTC days. The only thing missing was a companion and my name tag.

Im glad to see that many of our usual church goers are on Easter Holiday so they dont have to witness the disaster...I was also relieved to see that today was not the Sunday Brad Pitt or Josh Hartnett decided to come visit our little branch. Or worse; Il Divo scheduled to do a musical number!

This whole experience you woke me up (wish it would had woke me up at 9 instead of ten minutes before I needed to get out the door..but oh well). We can not plan for every thing in this life, but we can make our lives richer by focusing on the things that really matter.

I haven been getting some heat lately because of my need to plan and my lack of spontinuety and it seems like God thinks the same of me. By always planning and obsessing about little details I might miss out on the important things in life.

So from now on I will learn to take it easy and think of the "big picture" more. And if I slip up I am sure there are many lessons prepared just for me! Hopefully I wont need them..

1 kommentar:

  1. Ha ha! so funny. I can't believe you still have that. Well, I can't say much I think I have a few button down shirts from the day..can't remember last time I wore them though ;) 10 min is impressive..and way to take a lesson out of it!
