søndag 12. april 2009

Thou shalt not be vain.

Life has this annoying tendency of teaching us all these lessons meant to "build our character" and help us grow as individuals. Bleh!
I know I know.."bleh" is not the most mature response, its just that when those lessons actually occur it kind of sucks.
I wish I knew the timetable for these character building happenings so I could be prepared, but I guess that would be kind of pointless.

Like today for example, I was all exited for church it being fast Sunday and all. I had planned this nice outfit that I wanted to try out. (I had just got this really cool dress that I had ordered online and I had decided that today it would make its debut!) And to make things even better I had gotten the message that I was not teaching Sunday school this Sunday as it was time for another lesson. Yay, life could not be better; a relaxed Sunday with no preparation on my part in a new nice outfit.

Apperantly this was too much too ask and the Man upstairs decided to teach me a lesson. I get a phonecall from my good friend Marianne from church at about 10:45. She is waiting outside my house in her car as planned because she was going to pick me up. Church starts at 11:00. At this point I am still in my bed. My alarm did not go off and because I have been spending all my nights blogging and chatting I had gone to bed way too late (so worth it by the way)
Total panic, I had to get ready in less than 10 minutes.
I have no time to shower or even do my hair. The only outfit that is avaliable to me is a frumpy black skirt that I used on my mission and a purple collared shirt also from mission days. I can not recall laying that outfit out as I would never in my right mind wear something like that now.
I manage to dig up some pear earrings so at least there will be some glamour added to this frumpy outdated outfit.
I brush my teeth faster than the speed of light and rush out the door. Mariannes first response is "Wow, you look like a sister missionary". To complete the look my "purse" for the day is a burgundy scripture case from my MTC days. The only thing missing was a companion and my name tag.

Im glad to see that many of our usual church goers are on Easter Holiday so they dont have to witness the disaster...I was also relieved to see that today was not the Sunday Brad Pitt or Josh Hartnett decided to come visit our little branch. Or worse; Il Divo scheduled to do a musical number!

This whole experience you woke me up (wish it would had woke me up at 9 instead of ten minutes before I needed to get out the door..but oh well). We can not plan for every thing in this life, but we can make our lives richer by focusing on the things that really matter.

I haven been getting some heat lately because of my need to plan and my lack of spontinuety and it seems like God thinks the same of me. By always planning and obsessing about little details I might miss out on the important things in life.

So from now on I will learn to take it easy and think of the "big picture" more. And if I slip up I am sure there are many lessons prepared just for me! Hopefully I wont need them..

lørdag 11. april 2009

Laws of Attraction

By showing of hands how many of you have read the genious book "He's just not THAT into you" or at least seen the movie? I have done both and I have to say that it has changed my perspective on so many levels when it comes to guys and dating.
I feel so much more ready and able to help my friends with their dating needs now that I have "seen the light". My most common phrase these days seems to be "well, sorry girl but he is not that into you" where in the past it would have been "just hang in there, he'll come around he is probably just buisy/immature/emotionally unavaliable/shy/intimidated by you and so on and so on..

It was my very good friend and former companion (for those of you out there who are not LDS that means missionary companion. I am not gay) Brittany who mentioned the book to me and we both had a fun time reading and discussing it.
You dont have to be a brilliant person or a rocket scientist to grasp the message of the book. The book is written by a man and he is very straight foreward; "If we (men) want you we will let you know"

As Britt and I spent hours talking about our newly found wisdom and how this would make our lives so much easier in the future, Britt made a comment that is the basis of my entry.
"But WHY cant he just be into me...?"

"Attraction is not a choice"
We dont choose who we are attracted to, we just are. But what makes a person attractive to you? And can you by changing your apperance, hobbies etc make yourself more attractive to the object of your own attraction? And if yes will he/she be attracted to the real you or the "you" that you have tailored to meet his/her needs?

I strongly believe that the first step to becoming attractive is taking care of how we look. Always looking clean and neat. I will not go into further detail on this as I have written a long entry on "how to look beautiful" already on my facebook. All those rules written there still apply.
But we all know that looks alone will not assure a persons attractiveness. There are thousands of people out there that are stunning but never seem to manage finding a mate or have success in business.

Ok so I have pretty much established that attractiveness more than skindeep beauty and a nice physique. But what is it? Is it a light within, and do all people posess it? Is Attractiveness and Mojo the same thing? Why do we like the people we do? Why do some people have the power to make our hearts race while others of similar apperance can just walk by us without us even noticing?
And how the heck do we become that person that makes other peoples hearts race? Is my light even on? Do I need to change my batteries or something..? Hello...?

The truth of the matter is that we are all different as far as what we are attracted to. Its all in the small details. I remember my very first crush or obsession if you will. I was only 12 when I discovered this gorgeous creature who happened to be my best friends cousin. I thought he looked exactely like the "Karate Kid" and I spend the first few years of my teenage life obsessing about every little detail of his life. He of course didnt know that I existed.
It wasnt until a few years later that he noticed me. Wonder if that had anything to do with me starting to look more like a woman..anywho. At that time I had moved on to greener pastures and my attraction had died.

So my conlusion is that attraction and love are two very different things, but how many of us have not fallen into the attraction trap and thought that we have loved someone because of their dazzeling looks. I have! I have!
Attraction can cool down and eventually die, but love lasts forever.
But it still seems to me like we need that attraction bit to keep us interested long enough to find out if we love him/her.

God gaves us 5 major senses (or 6 according to "the sixth sense" I see dead people movie) and I firmly believe that all of these senses need to be intriuged in order for us to find someone attractive. And Im not just talking "oh he/she is cute" but attractive enough to make us want to pursue a relationship with them, in some cases for time and ALL eternity!

First; sight. How they look, what they wear, what image to they represent. Are they fit and healthy. Do they have a nice smile, kind eyes, shiny hair and so on. We all have our own little things we treasure more than others. For me it has always been cleanliness and a groomed look, but you might have a completely different opinion. I know many of my girl friends loves the rugged manly look. (Think Aragorn or that drunken irish actor that I cant remember the name of right now)
If you are a man you might be attracted to a wholesome prudish look or a slutty look. Different strokes for different folks

Hearing; the tone of voice; is it dominant or timid. Does he/she speak with conviction and authority. Is he/she good with words. Does he/she have a good vocabulary. Is he/she funny, does he/she express themselves well? I cant think of anything more annoying than a high pitch screamish voice or someone with bad speach manners who cuts you off mid sentance. How about their listening skills? God gaves us TWO ears and only one mouth for a reason; listening is more important. Communication is key when it comes to being attractive to someone or finding someone attractive. It is through conversation not just casual chit chat we connct with someone and get to know them.

Smell ; superimportant! There is nothing more attractive than a polite man in a suit who smells of some masculine perfume. All women agree on this. But its important to not overdo it though. Scents trigger emotions and memories.

Touch; this one kind of speaks for it self.

Taste; also speaks for itself. I will leave you to make your own conclusions...But let it be known that I have "interviewed" many male friends and they have ALL said that they have dumped chicks because of their bad making out skills..

Feel: this goes with the sixth sense and maybe the most important, at the end of the day you have to trust your insticts. How do you feel when you are around that person, do you think of him/her when they are not around. If all else fails go with the feeling in your gutt.

So my conclusion is that attractiveness is a very complex thing, its goes on so many level. And to be honest I dont think anyone could give you a right answer or a recipie on how to become more attractive. It is just one of those things that you cant explain, it just is.

Of course we can always improve ourselves and our apperance but at the end of the day the heart will feel what it wants to feel.

Attraction is not a choice, nor can we manipulate it..Just rest assured that there are people out there whos hearts races faster whenever you are near them. Maybe you have a dorky little 12 year old obsessing about you and your life...who knows..?

I finally got over my blog block, and I will try to write more often from now on.

Have a blessed Easter Celebration everybody. And just keep in mind that if no one else finds you attractive at least Christ loves you and that should count for somethin' eh? ;-)

onsdag 8. april 2009

Dost thou love life? Then waste not time; for time is the stuff that life is made of.

A good friend of mine recently asked this question ;"Why is time so important?" This is a question that has haunted my mind several times as well. I feel as if Im always rushing or feeling stressed due to lack of time. Time always seems to be going more than it is coming.
In these modern days we have so many help aids constructed to make our lives easier and at the end help us "save time". I have yet to discover all this saved time.

To answer my friends question: Time is important because time is in reality our lives. Even if clocks and calendars did not exist we would still have "time" because we would still live here as human beings. The word "time" has the tendency to make us feel stressed or think about all the things we should be doing. But in reality we should feel happy about "time", time we get to spend with loved ones, time we have here on earth to develop ourselves and grow.

I think the greatest sorrow a human being can experience is ending this time here on earth knowing that you have wasted your days doing things you were not passionate about or not spending it with people that you love. I cant think of a greater tragedy than a wasted life, a loveless life.
Yet this seems to be such a common problem. People stuck in jobs they hate, people who are married to people they loathe or people that just waste their lives away on brain numbing activities and not attempting to develope their talents.

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.

My encouragement to you is to celebrate life by being mindful on how we spend our time. Lets spend it with people we love doing the things we love.

"For Time and All Eternity", how wonderful that will be..

Finally, an open forum where I can vent my thoughts and ideas!

Hello people,

Well I have taken your requests seriously and decided to do as the rest of the world and create my very own blog.
Those of you who know me well know that I have a strong and sometimes odd opinions about everything..and I mean EVERYTHING. I have been that way for as long as I can remember. It started in early childhood when I was about 2 or 3 years old and would bother my grandmother in the kitchen by pulling out every single item from the drawers asking "what is this" and "what does it do" followed by "why".
I can't even begin to count all the times I have heard "Cant you just let it go" or "Do you ever shut up" while growing up. I'm sure people still think that about me, but since I am now an adult people dont dare to confront me with it. Add me being kind of tall, broad shouldered, strong voice and eyes that say "I WILL fight you on this" and people will pretty much just leave me alone. Yay for viking genetics!

So here it is; Hansens Hot Topics. I am very excited to start this written journey as I am always bursting at the seems with things I feel I should share with the world wether it be fashion tips or topics of a deeper more spiritual nature.
If you have any ideas for a "Hot Topic" feel free to let me know by sending me an email or simply adding a comment to my blog.
I am technically handicapped so I still havent figured out how this thing works. Give me some time, Im a fast adaptable learner.
